As 2022 is coming to a close, we have a new year to think about and get excited for. You may be reflecting on this past year and thinking about changes or improvements for the new year. The age-old saying “new year, new me” is a term I love to tell myself. As a mother, I know when we have times of self-doubt, we also question our parenting which is normal. I love hearing new perspectives, and these are some fantastic reads. I highly recommend these books for some new year growth and development for moms.

Best personal development books for moms — sandee booth

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Best personal development books for moms

Motherhood & Personal Development

All of these books have an important message, but there are never-ending lessons when it comes to motherhood. For a practical mom book that we can all relate to, I recommend “Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts” to find comfort in the chaos. A more in-depth journey of pregnancy and life after childbirth and dealing with the surrounding world “Becoming Mama” is an eye-opener. If you are a mother looking to shine some light on parenting and balancing love and values, “Mother and Child” shares many real-life stories. Finally, for some mommy motivation, “Slay Like A Mother” is a powerful read everyone should benefit from.

Life Balance Books

2022 has been a crazy year of finding our normal again after the past two years. There is always a learning curve, and these reads give me hope. A real-life relatable message is to be learned in “Well, This Is Exhausting” and a good laugh about exploring womanhood. If you feel overwhelmed with life, give “Present Over Perfect” a chance for personal reassurance. The Sunday Times bestseller “Good Vibes Good Life”  will help calm those nerves about growth. Another very relatable book for mothers is “More Than A Mom” for everything we do.

Inspirational Books

Last but not least, heading into the new year, I want something to motivate me to better myself. For some pure uplifting messages, you need to read “You Are A Badass,” one of my favorite books. Another book with a similar message is “Her True Worth,” which takes a step back from social media and talks about self-reflection. So, so important to not get caught up in that “keeping up with the Joneses” mentality and that book helps. If you are looking for just one read this year, my strongest recommendation is “The Happiness Project,” which perfectly balances life and laughter.


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Maybe instead of saying “new year, new me,” we can say “new year, new read.” I love these options, especially for mothers searching for personal development. Tell me in the comments some of your favorite book recommendations. You can shop all of these books here:

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