It’a officially chilly season here in VA and I know I always get into a little bit of a funk when it’s cold outside. Bad moods are normal this time of year from time to time. It’s normal to have good days and bad days. Something about having to wear a million layers and significantly shorter days you know? Good news is, there are things you can do to feel better. So, I wanted to share these easy tips for getting out of a funk that help me when I’m feeling a little blue. I would love to know what yours are below & make sure to save this via Pinterest or share if it helped you any! ⬇️

Easy tips for getting out of a funk

Easy Tips For Getting Out Of A Funk:

Tip 1: Put on real clothes.

Simple right? But there’s been times I just couldn’t get out my sweats. Putting on something like this outfit is a step up from the sweats, but just as comfortable. It’s not a huge thing, but I always feel a tiny bit better when I look better.💗

Tip 2: Drink some coffee.

A tasty cup of iced coffee or a hot peppermint mocha always perk me up & let’s be real, we could always use a little something to perk us up. Not a fan of coffee? Try a nice, warm tea. ☕️

Tip 3: Get outside!

It’s so easy to stay cooped up inside, especially when it’s frigid. I learned the hard way in MN that I HAD to get outside and move my body when it was cold outside, otherwise I felt awful. Put on a cute & cozy jacket or Sherpa, fleece lined leggings (I’ve got so many pairs since living in MN) and get out there! Put the social media down and take a deep breath of that fresh oxygen! VA has so many gorgeous trails to check out, but I know most places have something worth seeing within an hour or two drive. Check out Google maps by searching “best hiking trails” or “things to do near me”. 🥾

Tip 4: Text a friend.

Your best friend, your neighbor, family members, your mom. Getting outside of your own head and talking to someone is major. I’ve been guilty of going days and days without talking to anyone not in my house and that can be SO isolating. This year especially has been so hard on everyone! So not only will you feel better, but whoever you’re talking to will too!📱

Tip 5: Write out your feelings.

I know, I know. It’s like the major “in” thing now. But having a personal journal and writing out how you feel can not only help you identify some of what’s bothering you, but can also help you process your emotions. Some days you’re just going to feel overwhelmed and it can help you in the future if you know why. I’m usually overwhelmed if I feel like I’m not productive or am behind on work or the kid’s school. It’s definitely easy to feel that way this year too!

While I’m not a medical professional, I have dealt with depression and anxiety for years. These easy tips have always helped me manage it and I hope they help you if you’re feeling overwhelmed and in a funk! I always recommend talking to a doctor if you’re feeling too overwhelmed and need more help. 💗

Easy tips for getting out of a funk

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