Welcome back to my affordable home decor series! Anthropologie is known for its exquisite home decor styles that often come with a hefty price tag. As much as I love their stuff, I cannot bring myself to spend upwards of hundreds of dollars for decor that is often seasonal. However, I have found some stylish Anthropologie home decor dupes all under $100 and just as stunning.

Anthropologie Home Decor Dupes

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Anthropologie Home Decor Dupes Under $100

Colorful Home Dupes

Anthropologie has its niche regarding detailed and colorful work with its home decor. For example, this Velvet Throw Blanket is definitely one of a kind. I’m mostly obsessed with the colors, and this Southwest Throw Blanket brings the same vibe, even though not totally identical. On an even more colorful note, I am constantly seeing these Sullivan Rainbow pillows, but they are $78 each! These Double Sided Velvet pillowcases come in a set of four for less than $30!

Anthropologie Dining Staples

I love to keep my dining room table set with decor that matches between seasons. Especially during the springtime, I lean towards mixing unique patterns. I loved these Nifty Jacquard Napkins, but I knew I wanted to spend less since it’s just for spring. These Indian Handcrafted Napkins are almost identical for half the price. I am a sucker for classic glassware with a modern touch, such as these Waterfall Stemless Wineglasses. But these Glasses have a little more detail in the glasswork, which I appreciate.

Decor Dupes

While Anthropologie has an eye for unique decor that is challenging to replicate, there are definitely some pieces worth considering finding a dupe for. I loved this Rattan Wrapped Vase for my spring florals, but I can’t justify spending almost $100. Luckily this Twine Glass Jug is the same aesthetic at a price I don’t mind paying. Last but not least is this Delaney Candlestick that is adorable and perfect for mantles or tablescapes. Amazon has the same Candlestick Holder for a little cheaper.

I’m always on the hunt for new home decor and furniture styles, especially affordable ones. As much as I love Anthropologie Home, affordable dupes are everywhere for many popular styles. So tell me in the comments which of these pieces under $100 was your favorite! For more Anthropologie home dupes, check out my blog here.

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  1. […] Anthropologie Home Decor Dupes Under $100 […]

  2. […] always more affordable options. If you want to see more Anthropologie home dupes, check out my blog here. Tell me in the comments which price difference surprised you the […]

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