Fall is just around the corner, and I’m already looking for some fun activities for my kids to do during our homeschool lessons. Whether your kids will be distance learning this fall or decide to homeschool, planning some fun fall activities can make learning during the fall months more fun! If you will be homeschooling this fall, here are some great homeschool kids activities to do this fall.

Use Leaves to Make Art Projects

If you live in a place with a lot of fall foliage, then you can use those leaves to do some pretty fantastic art projects! These aren’t just a great way to be able to utilize a simple backyard material as a craft, but a fun way to learn about the seasons and their changing! Gather some leaves with your kids in the yard, or gather some up from the park on your next visit.

Here are some great ideas for leaf-themed art projects:

Use Pumpkins to Do a Cool Science Experiment

Let your kids explore science activities with pumpkins this fall! You can always carve pumpkins and learn all about pumpkins that way, or you can use them as a tool for some pretty incredible science experiments!

Here are some great ideas for pumpkin-themed science experiments:

Create a Nature Table

If it’s still warm enough to go outside, get your kids outside and play with nature! Collect and display nature items and even start a seed collection! Start a nature table of all the things you can find in nature during the fall months and display them.

We have a sand table outside that Emms & Savannah love to play in. They love to add all the things from our yard to it! I would check this one out since it has a lid. We have this one and it can get messy when it rains, but the kids throughly enjoy it.

Learn about Halloween

Fall is a great time to learn all about Halloween! Teach your kids about mummies and The Day of the Dead, and even teach them the story behind Halloween! There are so many creative ways you can teach your kids about Halloween from decorating their own sugar skull masks to making their own mummies out of paper.

My kids always love reading about holidays. These are some of our favorite Halloween books.

Make a Scarecrow

If you are looking for a fun, hands-on activity to do with your kids, try making your own scarecrow! You can use old clothes from your donation bins, and even stuff them full of pillows if you need to! You can leave him to guard your garden or display your creation in the yard as a fun Halloween decoration!

Amazon has an adorable kit that’s less than $15, so you don’t have to run around looking for a kit!

Get Your Kids Into the Kitchen

Even your younger kids can still get into the kitchen to whip something up! They might need a little help from their parents, but they can do it! Get your kids into the kitchen this fall and teach them about measurements and other handy kitchen skills.

We love cooking together with our Instant Pot.

Here are some great ideas for fall baking with kids:

You don’t need a lot of supplies or time to put together some fun homeschool activities this fall! Hopefully, these ideas have inspired you to come up with some of your own fun fall activities for the classroom!

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1 Comment

  1. […] or mason jar, cover with oat milk & go finish getting ready. I’ll help the kids get ready for school, nurse Freya, get some work done…& then bam! It’s time for a smoothie dance party! Emerson […]

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