Saving money is harder than ever but here are some realistically simple ways to save money in your everyday life. These easy money saving tips are helpful for families and easy enough to help you start to save a little bit of money when living paycheck to paycheck.
Don’t Spend What You Don’t Have
This sounds obvious, but take it seriously. You don't have to buy the kids everything under the sun to prep for school. Do what you can.
Shop Sales
There are tons of sales this time of year, and throughout the rest of the year. Wait to shop them. You don't need everything right this second!
Shop Second Hand
There is no shame in shopping second hand. If your child pouts over it, maybe have a conversation with them about it. Be honest with them.
Utilize Free to Low Cost Entertainment
Make use of the free (or cheap) stuff, always! Instead of going out to the movies, rent a movie at home and make your own snacks.