Traveling with kids can be kind of a pain. I know that we are supposed to get out there and see the world together, but sometimes the only thing I want to see is the insides of my eyelids after a family road trip. If you are looking for a few ways to make traveling with your kids easier, I have some mom hacks that will do the trick! Here are mom hacks to make traveling with kids easier.
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Pack a Snack Bag for Each of Your Kids
Too many times, I’ve had my kids fight over who gets the last Goldfish. Instead, I’ve created the perfect solution! Pack a snack bag for each of your kids and write their name on it. Pack the same things, or slightly different things depending on their taste. Let them choose when it’s time to eat a snack, and what snack they eat. This will end the fight over snacks, and they can snack when they need it.
Keep Quiet Toys Handy
Whether you’re at the airport at 5 am, or you are trying to keep the kids quiet, bring some quiet toys just in case. This will make it easy to keep your kids under control during times when you want them to be anything but yelling and screaming. Trust me; no one wants to hear the screaming kid when you’re trying to board that early morning flight. This will make a huge difference!
Use Ziploc Bags to Organize Outfits
Keep your clothes organized by packing them into Ziploc bags and labeling them. This also makes it easy for your kids to dress themselves, and to make sure you packed enough clothes for them! If you need to use clothes for multiple days, write it on the bag, so you know! You can also use this for storing dirty clothes for the way back if you need to.
Don’t forget to check out these other parent friendly hacks!
Mom Hacks to Keep your Car Organized
15 Fun Indoor Activities for Families
Mom Hacks to Be More Organized
Use Bins to Keep Toys Off the Floor
Toys fall down on the carpet of your car, and they are lost to the world forever! To avoid this, keep a bin handy that your kids can use to grab and put away their toys. This will help limit the amount of dropped toys so you can focus on the road or taking a nap in the passenger seat while your partner does the driving.
If You’re Driving, Try to Drive at Night
Kids will sleep just about anywhere. If you want to have a peaceful drive, try driving at night if you can. Early morning or evening drives will mean less traffic on the road and help ensure that your kids sleep through most of the car ride! If you have fussy kids with you in the morning, this is going to make sure they get some extra sleep and that you don’t have them asking “are we there yet?” every few hours.
You don’t need to be a super mom to make travel easier! These tips work for nearly any child and will help make travel a more enjoyable experience.
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[…] Whether you’re headed to the great outdoors this summer, or maybe hunkering down on a beach in paradise, I hope these recommendations ease the travel pains! For my tips on traveling with kids and staying relaxed, see my blog post here! […]