We are already halfway through the year, y’all. I cannot believe it! Time is flying by and there is nothing we can do to slow it down! Six months ago, I made a New Year’s Resolution to dedicate more time to grow my business and to take some time for self-care.


I am so excited to share that my business has grown tremendously over the past 6 months and hopefully will continue to! I have put in a lot of energy into marketing to my ideal clients and it has paid off!


My self-care resolution, not so much. As a business owner, wife, and mama to three wildlings, it’s a miracle that I get 5 minutes to myself! Heck, these days I consider brushing my teeth self-care! I love my family so much that it hurts and I would do anything for them. However, if we don’t take 1 hour a day for self-care, all that love can quickly become stressful.


It is completely normal to have fallen off the resolution wagon, in fact by day 60 most people have given up because they aren’t seeing immediate results. In order for something to become a habit or part of our daily routine, studies say that you must do it consistently for 82 days!


The important thing is that we recognize we kinda have given up on our resolution and we start again! Don’t wait 6 more months for it to be January 1 before trying again. Think of the progress you would make if you started over again now?


So, where are you at? Are you resetting the clock or are you rocking your resolution?


If you didn’t make a New Year’s resolution, then make an end of the year goal. Where do you want to be by the end of 2019? 20 pounds lighter? Running one mile faster? Have saved $20,000?


There are so many things you could accomplish in the next 6 months!

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