As we are beginning a new year, it’s time for us to start thinking about new year resolutions and goals for the upcoming year. One of the most common goals is to be more organized in both household and life. For me, this has been a constant struggle and a resolution that I’ve tried time and time again to stick to. If you are hoping to become more organized in the new year, here is how to get organized this year. These tips apply to both life and your home!

Tips to get organized for 2020

Get a really good planner

If you want to start getting your life in order, then you will want to start with a simple planner. I’m not suggesting that you hit up the dollar spot in Target for the ultimate planner, because chances are this isn’t going to be enough to get your life in order. I’m talking about those planners that really do it all! Find a planner that will not only help you organize your calendar, but let you take notes in the margins, document your progress on goals, and even help you keep track of your meal plan and grocery list. I love to pick them up from Michael’s or order one from Amazon. I won’t lie- I go through a lot because I have a mild planner obsession. 


Set up systems to ensure success

If you were going to start working out in the new year, you wouldn’t just wake up and hope that you make a good plan. No way! You’d find a workout plan, maybe even a workout buddy, sign up for a gym membership, and set an alarm to get you up in time for your workout! If you want to ensure that your home stays organized, you need to set up systems that will ensure success for you! This might be a drop zone for your mail, a filing system for bills, or a spice rack for your spices. Even something simple can make you feel more productive and organized. 


Streamline and automate your life

From paying bills to school pickups, there are a number of things you can do to streamline your life! By putting things on autopilot or finding a more effective way to do something, you’ll turn into a productivity girl boss! Streamline your errands by grouping them all into one trip. Yes, this will turn into the worst trip out ever because you’ll have a lot to do, but then you won’t have to do it again until next week! Pretty neat, right? You can do this with meal planning, paying bills, and even cleaning your home too!


Divide and conquer your home

If your home looks anything like mine, then saying you’re going to organize your home is a huge undertaking. Instead of just saying you’ll do it, divide and conquer your home! Break your home up into rooms or even areas and start with one a month or week (if you’re feeling ambitious). You’ll get through your home in no time, and you’ll be more organized throughout the year!


No matter how organized you are, these tips can help even the tidiest! I hope that this has inspired you to organize your home and your life for the new year.


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