When I think bright, cheerful & fun, I think Lilly Pulitzer. It’s one of my favorite brands because it’s so happy! It also is high quality, so it lasts forever.

Lilly Pulitzer on a budget

What I know stops a lot of people from purchasing is the price. Full price Lilly can range from $50-$350, so I more than understand. It’s why I either shop secondhand or wait for their semi-annual sales.

Buying Lilly on a Budget


I love buying secondhand from ThredUp! Not only do they make sure every piece of clothing is in good shape by inspecting it, they also have sales! So you can grab either gently used or brand new clothes from your favorite brands for a fraction of the price. Serious win!


If you’re lucky enough to live in an area with consignment stores, especially in the south & east coast, you may find some gems! I know, especially in GA & FL, I could always find some gently worn or brand new Lilly Pulitzer for an amazing price.

Even better?! Hitting up thrift stores! I know when I shop at Goodwill or the Salvation Army in the south, I’m bound to find some amazing deals. Vintage Lilly?! Uhm yes please.

Lilly Pulitzer on a budget


If you would rather not shop secondhand, which is totally fine because a lot of people don’t, then wait for the sales Lilly does! Typically held twice a year, in January and late August, it’s the perfect time to get brand new Lilly for significantly less. The sales run in store and online, so if you’re able to shop in person you’ll be able to try everything on.

If you aren’t able to, online is wonderful! You usually have a wait and need to shop quickly. It’s typically recommended to check out after each item if it’s a super popular item, but I’ve never had an issue with waiting until I have 4 – 5 things in my cart.

Facebook & Instagram 

Maybe the easiest way for a lot of people is to buy from other’s via social media. There are countless Facebook groups and Instagram accounts that sell either gently used or brand new Lilly Pulitzer. Type in “buy Lilly Pulitzer” on Facebook and you’re bound to find a few groups. Use the hashtags  #buymylillypulitzer & #buymylilly on Instagram to find sellers.

I hope this helped you save some money and get some fun Lilly finds!

Lilly Perfect on a budget

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