Family Friendly Christmas Eve Activities

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year, and I look forward to being able to spend the day indulging in all things Christmas. However, sometimes, by the time Christmas Eve comes around, I’m not sure what to do! Christmas Eve will be here before you know it, which means it will soon be time to start making some Christmas Eve plans. Whether you are looking for an excellent relaxing way to spend the day, or you want something a little fun to get you in the Christmas spirit, I’ve put together a list of 10 family friendly activities to do on Christmas Eve. These work great for couples or families! You can choose to do them all or just pick one depending on how much time you have on your hands! traditions 

Family Friendly Christmas Eve Activities to Create New Traditions

Have a hot chocolate bar

If you are looking for a fun new Christmas Eve tradition to do with your kids, have a hot cocoa bar! Make a big batch of your best hot chocolate recipe, and then lay out all the toppings for everyone to make their own special cup. Decorate the bar area with the cutest decor to get into the spirit! Grab this adorable Hot Cocoa Bar Banner, the cutest Hot Cocoa Cups & whip up this delish recipe from The Cookie Rookie!

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Read a classic Christmas story

You can find books such as A Christmas Carol, The Night Before Christmas, and many other great Christmas stories on sale or even free for Kindle! Rather have books you can hold? My kids do too! Some of our favorites are The Snowman’s SongBear Stays Up, The Littlest Reindeer, and Little Blue Truck’s Christmas.


Make Christmas Crafts

Gather up a few good ideas and make a fun Christmas craft! This can be a great way to end the holiday season and get a little creative!  We love getting craft ideas year round and Christmas themed from Creative Change Connect! I’m already planning on using all of the ideas in their Elf on the Shelf book and know my kids are going to love them.


Take a nighttime drive and look at Christmas lights

On Christmas Eve, bundle up and go for a drive! Take a look at some of the amazing Christmas displays at other people’s homes or find a Christmas light display near you. Don’t have any neighborhoods near you going all out with lights? You can check out a few online, like the Biltmore House Virtual Tree Raising.



Bake homemade Christmas cookies for Santa

Got a great cookie recipe? Wait until Christmas Eve and bake fresh cookies for Santa! Need cookie recipe ideas from scratch? Check out these favorites! 

Keto Gingerbread Cookies

Deep Fried Oreos

Gingerbread Whoopie Pies

Watch your favorite Christmas movies

Enjoy a night in with your family by binge-watching your favorite Christmas movies! Have each person pick a favorite, and then spend the day watching them all! So many fun favorites that I have linked here. Must see family friendly Christmas movies everyone will enjoy!


Go caroling in your neighborhood and spread Christmas cheer

Whether you are living in an apartment or in a house, go out and go caroling! This is a fun way to spread Christmas cheer on Christmas Eve. *I would only do this if you can safely do this, considering current events. Can’t go in person? Do a virtual caroling with friends & family via Zoom or Facebook live! 


Make a fun Christmas Eve feast

Instead of having your big meal on Christmas Day, why not do it on Christmas Eve! Make a big Christmas Ham and then enjoy a lazy day of leftovers the next day!


Make a gingerbread house

Gingerbread houses are such a fun Christmas activity to do as a family! Gather up all your materials and build a fantastic gingerbread house or village. Williams Sonoma has a gorgeous one! Walmart has a fun and adorable Candyland themed gingerbread house. 


Create a Christmas Eve treasure hunt

Make a special treasure hunt for your kids! This can be such a fun activity for younger kids, and a fun way to get them excited about Santa or the holiday, depending on how you celebrate Christmas. Not a fan of Santa, but would rather celebrate Jesus? Make it a biblical based treasure hunt! Love Santa? Have it Santa centered with facts about Santa in different cultures! 


Whether you are looking for a way to stay in or go out on Christmas Eve, you can’t go wrong with any of these fun Christmas Eve activities. You’ll love creating new traditions and the memories that will last a lifetime! 


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