home life

How to Make Your Home Feel More Warm and Inviting


Wondering how to make your home extra cozy this winter? Well, you make it a cozy hygge home! Here are some tips for making a cozy hygge home including what to buy to help you get there.

Let’s get started!

Bring the outdoors inside. You can do this by bringing outside nature items inside or you can do this by opening the windows, getting some potted plants, or finding ways to add natural greenery to your space.

Idea #1

A great way to add a little hygge to your home is by focusing on your lighting. Two great places to start are with candles and natural light. Candles are HUGE in hygge and should be incorporated throughout your home!

Idea #2

Whenever you can, open up your curtains and let that natural sunlight into your home. These tips and tricks will help your home feel brighter and more inviting.

Idea #3

Your furniture can convey cozy and comfort while also providing function for your home. Some ottomans and extra seating in your living room will invite guests to come to join you in your living space while providing comfortable places to sit.

Idea #4

I find that having a few throw pillows on the couch and some blankets nearby can be just the right way to get me into the hygge mindset.

Idea #5

When looking at a space, ask yourself what you could do to make it cozier and inviting. Sometimes it’s adding a scented candle, removing the curtains, or adding a blanket to get the job done.

Idea #6