If you have an anniversary coming up, then you are probably starting to panic right about now. By now, we all thought we’d be back to normal this virus would be gone entirely, but it’s starting to look like we may be social distancing for the foreseeable future. If you are looking for ways to celebrate your anniversary safely, you can do it at home! Here are a bunch of great ways to celebrate your anniversary at home and on a budget.

Celebrate your anniversary at home- breakfast in bed

Have a fancy dinner by candlelight at home

Restaurants are expensive, not to mention that sitting across from your significant other all dressed up wearing a mask doesn’t exactly scream romance. Instead, have a fancy dinner at home by candlelight! You could cook steak and lobster right at home, or your order your favorite takeout! Light some candles on your dining room table, and enjoy a fancy dinner that you can enjoy in your pajamas! We love doing takeout sushi and wine, but something even as low key as pizza can be romantic with candles and dimmed lights! 

Serve your spouse breakfast in bed

If you want to start off your anniversary by spoiling your spouse, consider serving them breakfast in bed! This can be anything from a simple pancake breakfast to french toast and mimosas! Go for your spouse’s favorite breakfast foods, and make a special breakfast to show them how much you care! Are you the one always making breakfast? Drop some serious hints (like, tell them straight up breakfast in bed would be AMAZING) with notes, texts, etc so they know how you’d like to start the day!

Rent a few Redbox movies and have a double feature

Redbox movies are so cheap! But you can rent movies digitally as well for a few dollars! Have each of you choose a movie and then snuggle up on the couch for a fun double feature at home! You can even make your own popcorn and get some boxed candy to get the full “movie theatre experience” that you both might be missing! We love getting our own candy from the dollar store, but you can also buy it in bulk from Amazon & then save some for later. 

Create your own DIY Wine and Design at home

Instead of going out for wine and design, do your own at home! First, start by choosing a wine that you will both enjoy. Then hop onto YouTube and find a fun painting or drawing tutorial that you’d like to try! You can do acrylic pours, follow a Bob Ross tutorial, and more right from your own living room! Just make sure you look into the tutorial ahead of time to make sure you have all the supplies you need before you find yourself knee dip in but missing a color. Grab a kit from Amazon to save some time! 

Take an online class

If you want to do something new and exciting, why not take an online class together?! You can learn how to balance your checkbook, paint a masterpiece, do ballroom dancing, or even how to cook a gourmet meal from home for just a few dollars! Many classes are available for very cheap; you just have to look for free or discounted options online!

Need some help grabbing things without leaving the house?! Check out these ideas & gifts from Amazon!

Celebrate your anniversary at home!

Hopefully, if you have an anniversary coming up, this guide will help you put together something special for your significant other! You may not be able to do something grand this year, but there are still plenty of affordable and fun ways to celebrate an anniversary at home on a budget. I know Chris & I will be doing one of these options for a fun, but low key anniversary at home in September!


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