The New Year is just around the corner. By now, you have probably started to think up a few resolutions that you and your family can follow for the new year. The thought of making a significant change might excite some, but for some of your family members, it might be a bit scary. Here are some of the best family activities you can do to help make new year’s resolutions this year! These activities work for any age and can even be done together as a family!
The BEST Family Activities for Making New Years Resolutions
Create a bucket list for the year
If you and your family want to spend more time together, start by making a bucket list for the year! Write down any trips you want to take, things you want to do, and even traditions you want to start doing. You can make this list as vague or specific as you want! Get the whole family involved and cross things out together throughout the year!
Choose a word for the year
If you want to focus on intention this year, choose one word to be the focus for your year. This could be family, marriage, yes, strength, health, or any number of words. The goal is to choose a word that will be what you focus on for that year. For example, if your word was family, you might decide to plan activities that involve spending more time with your kids and say no to activities that will keep you away from them.
Create a resolution jar
A resolution jar can work similarly to a time capsule. This can help you store your “hopes and dreams” in a place where you can refer back to throughout the year. Write down your resolutions for the year and put them in a jar. Whenever you aren’t sure if you are on track, refer back to this jar for some inspiration and motivation.
Make a time capsule
Time capsules are a great way to capture how you feel at the beginning of the year! This is also a fun way to store your resolutions for the year. By next year, you may have forgotten your goals and why you set them. However, you could also be happy to see all the things you set out to do and accomplished during the year.
Make it visual
Some people are more visual than others. While making resolutions is typically the sort of thing you write down, you can make it visual for your family. Create a vision board with pictures, clippings, and words that surround your goals for the year. If you were paying off debt, you could have photos of the things you are going to buy once you are debt-free, a chart to track your progress, and so much more!
Instead of just writing down a few things you want to accomplish this year, try something new! These family activities will give you a chance to set goals for you and your family in a unique and fun way.
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